Load Research Association
Spring 2003 Meeting & Conference
Apr 2-4, 2003
Phoenix, Arizona
Public Service is proud to host the Spring 2003 Western Load Research
Association meeting and conference in beautiful and sunny Phoenix, Arizona,
April 2-4, 2003.
at the conference will capture the theme that load research is a great
tool for dealing with the challenges of the modern electric utility
industry and especially with restructuring, "re-regulation,"
and the recent back-to-basics trend.
Papers and discussions will focus on combining innovative new
technologies with the traditional principles of statistical analysis.
would like to continue to expand utility involvement. Special priority
consideration will be given to utilities wishing to make presentations
on these topics. Presentations need not be extravagant and the presentation
can be as short as fifteen (15) minutes.
will accept papers on any subject related to load research, including
the role of load research in electricity procurement, least-cost sampling,
new metering, end-use research, integrated resource planning, program
evaluation, and marketing support. WLRA also encourages the participation
by any and all people involved in load research or related fields. In
order for the members to stay current on load research, presentations
should involve current projects, even if the final results are not compiled.
Useful applications are especially encouraged.
continued success of the Western Load Research Conference depends on
participation from utility members. It is for this reason that utility
presentations are particularly encouraged, but utility-vendor partnership
presentations are also welcomed.

Hyatt Regency Phoenix at
Civic Plaza (Downtown)
122 North Second Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004-2379
Vendor Reception:
research vendors will sponsor a tabletop seminar and reception on Thursday
afternoon, April 3rd. All vendors can contact Craig Williamson at Primen
at (303) 385-0342, email cwilliamson@primen.com,
if you would like to participate.
Special Evening Event:
This year's special evening group event will be an Arizona Diamondbacks baseball
game in our private skybox with dinner and such. Please plan attending as they play rival Los
Angeles Dodgers.
Jeff Burns
Arizona Public Service Company
MS 9905
P.O. Box 53999
Phoenix, AZ 85072-3999
Phone: (602) 250-2962
Fax: (602) 250-2873
Co-Chairs: Susan McNicoll
415-973-7404 sem4@pge.com
Craig Williamson
303-545-0100 x42 cwilliamson@primen.com